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Navigating the Indian Paper Market

Navigating the Indian Paper Market

The Indian paper industry, a cornerstone of the nation’s economy, is currently facing a complex landscape. Fluctuating prices, evolving demand patterns, and global economic uncertainties have created a challenging environment for industry players. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key factors impacting the Indian paper market and explore its potential future outlook.

Table of Contents

Domestic Price Dynamics

  • Price Correction: After a period of growth, the domestic paper market has witnessed a significant price correction, primarily due to softening global demand. 
  • Packaging Board Impact: Packaging board prices have experienced a notable 30% decrease, likely influenced by the slowdown in high-end medicine exports. 
  • Widespread Price Adjustments: The overall price correction suggests potential adjustments across various paper grades, including WPP, copier paper, and specialty paper.

Export Challenges Indian Paper Market

  • Declining Demand: India’s paper exports, particularly packaging paper, have faced a decline due to the global economic slowdown.   
  • Reduced Earnings: This decline has led to lower export earnings for paper manufacturers. 
  • Domestic Market Opportunity: The slowdown presents an opportunity to redirect paper supply towards the domestic market.

Rise of Paper Imports

  • Import Surge: Paper imports have increased significantly in recent years, reaching 19.3 lakh tonnes in FY24. 
  • ASEAN Dominance: ASEAN countries have emerged as the primary source of imported paper, benefiting from zero-import duties. 
  • Value Increase: The value of paper imports has doubled in the last three years, reflecting a concerning trend.

Impact on Domestic Industry

  • Competitive Pressure: The influx of imports has undermined the commercial competitiveness of domestic paper mills.   
  • Mill Closures: Many paper mills have faced closure due to the price pressure exerted by duty-free imports. 
  • Investment Risks: Domestic industry investments in technology and sustainability are now at risk.

Addressing the Challenges

To navigate these challenges, the Indian paper industry must: 

  • Focus on Domestic Market: Prioritize catering to the substantial domestic demand.
  • Embrace Sustainability: Invest in sustainable practices and eco-friendly technologies. 
  • Collaborate with Government: Advocate for favorable policies and import duties. Build Trust: Focus on transparent pricing and quality to secure customer loyalty.


The Indian paper industry faces a complex landscape, but by adopting a strategic approach and focusing on key areas, it can overcome challenges and emerge stronger. By prioritizing domestic needs, sustainability, innovation, and strategic partnerships, the industry can navigate the current complexities and secure a prosperous future.

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